All you need to know about tasks

All basic tasks that require from 1 to 3 hours to get done.
It takes 1 Services Credit.
All advanced tasks that require from 1 to 2 days to get done.
It takes 3 Services Credit.
The most powerful tasks that require from 3 to 7 days to get done.
It takes 6 Services Credit.
All basic tasks that require from 1 to 3 hours to get done.
It takes 1 Credit.
Branding Standard
- Logo design
- Business card
- Latterhead
- Envelope
- Stamp • Folder
- Mag design
- T shirt design
- Pen design
- DVD design • Notebook
- Papers designs
Social Standard
- Facebook post
- Facebook cover
- Twitter post
- Twitter cover
- Instagram post
Web Standard
- Web banner
- Web Video
- Map location
- Favicon
- Creat or Edit a Post
- Modify CSS
- Edit an image
Video Standard
- Editting video < 2 min.
- Voice over < 1 min.
- Motion Graphic < 30 sec.
- Color Grading < 30 sec.
- Encoding < 3 Videos
All advanced tasks that require from 1 to 2 days to get done.
It takes 3 Credit.
Branding Moderate
- Flyer
- Broshure
- Outdoor Print
- Book cover
- Presentation Power point
Social Moderate
- Create a FB campaign
- Instagram campaign
- Twitter campagin
Web Moderate
- Design full page
- Design
Video Moderate
- Editting video 2 min > 5 min.
- Voice over < 3 min.
- Motion Graphic < 1 min.
- Color Grading < 1 min.
- Encoding < 10 videos
The most powerful tasks that require from 3 to 7 days to get done.
It takes 7 Credit.
Branding Complex
- Magazine
- Company profile
- Office Branding
- Presentation video
Video Complex
- Editting video > 2 min.
- Voice over > 1 min.
- Motion Graphic > 30 sec.
- Color Grading > 1 min.
- Encoding > 10 videos